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Lecture 1
1. Introduction
2. What is a wave. What are the waves
2.1. Sinusoidal waves. Distribution of fluctuations
2.2. Wave flat, cylindrical, spherical
2.3. Waves longitudinal and transverse. Polarization

Lecture 2
3.1. The emergence of a wave. Wave group
3.2. Point source of waves
3.3. Many point sources

Lecture 3
3.4. Periodically located point sources of waves
3.5. “Accurate” calculation of the angular distribution
      energy flow from a system of sources
3.5.1. Continuous source distribution
3.5.2. Emission of a pair of point sources
3.5.3. Chain radiation periodically
       located sources

Lecture 4
4. The laws of geometric optics
4.1. Straightforward light propagation. Farm principle
4.2. Reflection of light. Flat mirror
4.3. Addition of harmonic oscillations

Lecture 5
4.4. Elliptical mirror.
 Refined wording of the principle Farm
4.5. Spherical mirror
4.6. Parabolic mirror
4.7. The law of refraction of light
4.7.1. The speed of light in matter

Lecture 6
4.7.2. Refraction of light
4.7.3. Dispersion and light absorption
4.7.4. Group and phase velocities of light in matter
4.7.5. Abnormal dispersion

Lecture 7
5. Propagation of a (plane) wave. Some “subtleties”
6.1. Reflection of light at the interface of two media.
Brewster angle
6.2. Full reflection

Lecture 8
7. Lens
7.1. Focal distance for a spherical surface
7.2. Lens focal length
7.3. Focal length lenses. Another approach
7.4. Building an image of the subject. Increase

Lecture 9
8. Interference
8.1. Dual-beam interference. Point sources
8.2. Jung´s experience. Wave coherence
8.3. Coherence length
8.4. Equal slope lines

Lecture 10
8.5. Lines of equal thickness
8.6. Interferometers
8.6.1. Linnik interferometer
8.6.2. Rayleigh Interferometer
8.6.3. Michelson´s Star Interfero
8.6.4. Fabry-Perot Interferometer

Lecture 11
8.6.5 Fabry-Perot interferometer.
Angular distribution of the transmitted wave amplitude
9. Fraunhofer diffraction
9.1. Gap diffraction
9.2. Diffraction grating
9.3. Diffraction grating as a spectral device

Lecture 12
10. Diffraction on a round hole
10.1. Fresnel Zones
10.2. Discussion of the results. Zone plate
10.3. Lens as a diffraction device
10.4. Poisson spot

Lecture 13
11.1. Light polarized and non-polarized. Malus Law
11.2. Uniaxial crystals
11.3. Crossed polarizers
11.4. Double refraction
11.5. Polarizers

Lecture 14
11.6. Polarized Light Analysis
11.7. Natural rotational polarization planes
11.8. Zeeman effect and polarization
11.9. Artificial double refraction

Lecture 15
12. Heat radiation
12.1. The basic concepts. Kirchhoff´s Law
12.2. Radiant energy density
12.3. Radiant energy
12.4. Formula Planck

Lecture 16
12.5. The Law of Stefan-Boltzmann and the Law of Wine
12.7. Optical pyrometry
13.1. Lattice heat capacity

Lecture 17
13.2. The heat capacity of the crystal lattice. Continuation
14.1. Lorentz transformations
14.2. Doppler effect
14.3. Lateral Doppler effect. Aberration

Lecture 18
15. Photons
16. Examples of the use of the concept of a photon
16.1. Experience bothe
16.2. Energy ratio
16.3. Compton effect

Lecture 19
17. Hypothesis de Broglie
18.1. Electron diffraction on two slits
18.2. Uncertainty relations
18.3. Schrödinger equation

Lecture 20
18.4. Standing wave
18.5. The physical meaning of the wave function
19.1. How do we explain this

Lecture 21
19.2. How do we understand this
19.3. The Boltzmann Paradox
19.4. Chemical elements
19.5. Rationing of the wave function

Lecture 22
20. Standing waves. Refraction
21. “Internal motion” of a quantum state
22. Quantization of angular momentum
23. Classic gyro in a magnetic field
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