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Загружен: 24.01.2019

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Задание 1.
Поставьте слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получился вопрос.
job learning for English your you are?

Are you learning English for your job?

1.weekend do what you would to this like?
2.dictionary why got you haven´t a?
3.English you start did learning when?
4.phoned doing customer when our what you were?
5.radio listening does enjoy to secretary the your?

Задание 2.
В каждой группе из четырех слов (или словосочетаний), три слова (или словосочетания) объединены общим понятием. Определите четвертое слово (или словосочетание), не относящееся к ним по смыслу. Запишите его.

1.language translator dictionary art
2.hairdresser shopkeeper customer banker
3.tomorrow morning yesterday evening the day after tomorrow in two weeks´ time
4.butcher´s greengrocer´s chemist´s baker´s
5.neck foot chest sock
Задание 8.
В каждом из следующих предложений найти одну ошибку и исправить ее.
1.We´ ll must open a checking account .
2.We arrived at New York at 5 o´clock in the morning .
3.Does he has to leave before the end of the play?
4.There are more men than womens in the Government .
5.Where have you been on holidays last year ?

Задание 9.
Дописать предложения, вставляя выражения: have to , don´t have to , should или shouldn´t.
If you feel ill , you should go to bed.
1.You ..................... have too much hand luggage.
2.People who want to smoke.................... sit separately.
3.You .........................wear your seat belt all the time. You can take it off.
4.But you............................... wear it at take-offs and landings.
5.When you´ve got your luggage , you ..................... go through Customs.

Задание 10.
Перепишите каждое предложение, вставляя слово или словосочетание из скобок в нужное место:

1.We feel like going out in the evening . (hardly ever)
2.She stays with my parents in the west of Ireland. (occasionally)
3.We´ll need to buy a new car very soon. (probably)
4.Does Peter play the guitar ? (well)
5.I don´t eat very much for lunch. (usually)
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