After a devastating war between ancient mages, a powerful spell is all that holds together the shattered planet of Driftland. Faced with the destruction of their entire civilization and life on the planet, the warring factions called a truce and tried to repair the damage – but it was already too late. By using all their remaining magic to cast a powerful spell, they managed to keep their world in relative balance.
Many dark ages passed, but when all seemed lost, a ray of hope emerged once more: new sources of magic appeared, and new mages were given birth to across the planet. Now, as the dormant conflicts once again surface, this rediscovered power will determine whether Driftland is restored to its former glory or wiped from the cosmos entirely.
You take on the role of a Mage Overlord with your own castle, tower, and a small realm on one of the landmasses. With your unique powers, you can explore a procedurally generated world and connect floating lands to expand your kingdom.
Instructions for using the Steam Key:
1. If you do not have the client Steam, download it from the official site:
2. Start the client and log into your account or create a new one.
3. Click on the "Games" menu and select "Activate via Steam".
4. Follow the instructions and enter the purchased key when you are asked about it.
5. After activation you will be prompted to download and install the game.
The game will always be available in your library, even if you do not set it immediately after the activation key or delete it after installation.
10.11.2020 21:06:00
Спасибо за порядочность и адекватную цену! =^_^=
04.11.2020 14:53:09