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Uploaded: 20.10.2023

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After purchase you:
1. Send the code to confirm the payment.
2. Send the mail you want to bind.
3. Wait for an answer, if I´m free I do everything at once for 5 - 15 minutes, if I´m busy I do up to a day.
4. Send a link from the mail to confirm the creation of an account (you can use the password from the mail, it helps if I´m busy and don´t answer).
5. Send the Steam login and password you want to install (more than one login is better, since logins can be busy).
6. Wait for a response.

If you do not need YOUR STEAM LOGIN, then you can take a ready-made random one, it is issued automatically after payment! "New account"
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Please leave a positive review after the successful purchase of an account, and get a cash certificate!
For all questions, you can contact technical support.
11.06.2024 19:29:18
Быстро и четко
31.08.2023 19:28:22
Всё сделали в лучшем виде. Аккаунт работает.

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