Content: pythonExercises2024.pdf (636.95 KB)
Uploaded: 18.04.2024

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! Only Russian language

Number of pages: 122

Updated: April 2024
! Only Russian language

The manual "100 problems in Python with solutions" will help you consolidate the skills of structured programming studied in the course "Python. Introduction to Programming" and develop logical thinking. The collection includes problems on the following topics: "Linear Algorithms", "Branches", "Cycles", "Lists", "Matrixes", "Strings", "Functions", "Dictionaries and Files". The topics "Loops" and "Lists" are presented in two parts (easier problems and more difficult ones).

This collection of problems may be useful to computer science teachers and programming course instructors for preparing practical classes.

Current version: April 2024

Some of the tasks are available on the website:
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