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Uploaded: 13.10.2023

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👨‍🎨Видеоурок on painting from artist Anastasia Pan! At the lowest price🎰

🍋🍋🍋🍋The voluminous, bright and juicy work is easy to execute and spectacular in its simplicity

💰🤑Lemon is a symbol of well-being, prosperity and wealth. So let the lemons in your paintings become a permanent talisman, bringing success and prosperity

🕑 Duration: 1hr 36min


-Detailed list of materials with the designation of the necessary shades
-Step-by-step video instruction from start to finish with tips from the artist
-Visual explanation of painting techniques
-Ways to correct mistakes

After payment, you will receive a link to the lesson in your mailbox

❗On Anastasia Pan´s website video lessons are 3 times more expensive, don´t miss your opportunity!
🌐Anasatsya Pan´s website:
🎦 A video lesson for those who don´t have time to take offline painting classes
⏳👛For those who want to save time and money (Anastasia Pan´s offline classes are much more expensive, don´t miss your chance!).
👨‍🏫Для for those who like to study painting alone but with mentoring
⏯ For those who want to create a painting at their own pace and pause the lesson to continue at their own convenience.
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