Содержимое: Английский язык в сфере юриспруденции.docx (42.41 KB)
Загружен: 20.03.2024

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223 ₽

Сдано на 97 баллов в 2024г.Верно 29 из 30 вопросов. Скриншот с отметкой прилагается к работе.

После покупки Вы получите файл с ответами на вопросы которые указаны ниже:

1 A consent of the principal …
2 Negligence is an actionable wrong affecting …
3 Allowing water to escape from reservoirs is a tort affecting …
4 Carrying on an offensive trade, obstructing the highway is …
5 The transfer of property to the buyer is the main purpose …
6 The employer must provide written statement of the following terms …
7 Employees are entitled to notice which could be a month …
8 Dismissal of an employee is considered fair if the reason is …
9 An employer must make a redundancy payment to an employee who has been employed …
10 Things which are capable of physical possession are uncluded into …
11 Choses capable of negotiation are classified as negotiable instruments and include …
12 The loan agreement provides for repayment of loan plus interest …
13 When the land is owned by a company, …
14 A mortgage is void against a subsequent purchaser …
15 A mortgage can be set aside …
16 Sole trader…
17 A person cannot be a partner if …
18 Companies limited by shares are usually set up for…
19 Private limited companies cannot raise money…
20 A subsidiary company is owned…
21 A director of a public company can be disqualified…
22 The secretary of a private company…
23 The Department of Trade and Industry may appoint inspectors…
24 A holder of bearer shares becomes a member of the company…
25 The Register of the Company must be kept…
26 Supervising trading practices is one of the main duties of…
27 To take part in the management of a registered company, a bankrupt must get…
28 The bankruptcy order is published in…
29 The bankruptcy petition can be presented by…
30 A bankrupt must disclose his status if he wants to obtain…
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