NEW VERSION of August 14, 2008!
Agency Shop Partner HotCD V10.4 - script allows to organize the site - an exact copy of HotCD (but with a different design and shipment of goods from the basket with your id), from which you will constantly make profits (10% of sales and 20% of your sales partners ) - Attendance at the whole 50-100 hosts in day you will receive about 6 000 rubles per month!
The official website of the script:
View set in the script here:
=== How does this script: ===
This script is designed to create an online store with affiliate links to buy all drives (more than 9000!) Of more than 50 sections of CD and DVD site HotCD, as well as payment cards online games. In other words, it simplifies and increases your earnings with affiliate programs
The database is updated within 5-10 seconds by running a special script.
Structure of the site optimized for the search engines to increase targeted visitors to your site. Total online more than 20 000 pages.
In fact, you create your online store intermediary without investing money into commodities - as the design and of goods takes place in HotCD.
The design of the script is easy to change, as the skins are now supported with simple language patterns.
If you are not familiar with this affiliate program - look at the site HotCD
=! New in version 10.4 of 14.08.2008g. ! =
- Dictionary of synonyms FOR 1757 words included FREE!
- A new configuration file option "Virtual screenshots" for the solution of problems with displaying pictures on hosting with nginx
- Changes in the formula for calculating the cost of order
- Changes in the template variables disk
- Changes in the code in a number of files, minor improvements, minor errors corrected
The main features of the script:
- Getting unique content on an unlimited number of sites, by changing definitions drives through a built-in Anti.Yandeks by substituting synonyms and phrases in the dictionary
[!] Buy Dictionary handmade 444 words and synonyms to them, you can here
- NC (static html addresses of all pages)
- Using MySQL database, so the script is very fast
- CART WORKS ON THE SIDE OF YOUR SITE - the user gets to the site HotSidi only for the whole order. Even the postage and packing is calculated on your site!
- The load on the server is minimal - the database is stored in MySQL, use 1-2 page request, during the installation of the database file does not read entirely in RAM
- Detailed tuning the script through configuration files
- The script is fully functional as PHP4 and PHP5 on
- The script works with register_globals = off
- Support for skins easy script uses a simple template language similar to smarty
- Automatic creation of the site menu to update the database - guaranteed absence of empty sections, and the presence of new sections time after their occurrence
- Each page of the site your meta tags are optimized for search engines
- Ability to create any custom pages on the site
- Ability to configure hosting performance through configuration script file
- Automatic update of the database disks through Cron
+ The script has a lot of positive feedback on various versions
+ Our script has a quality certificate (see here
WARNING: If you purchase this script 8.x AVAILABLE WITH US, YOU CAN GET THIS paying the price difference. WRITE FOR THIS TO OUR EMAIL YOUR WMID and date of purchase.