✅For commission-free payment, select "SBP" (it is selected by default)
✅This account was registered personally by the seller.
✅After purchasing this product, you will be the first owner!
✅Account data will be provided to you in the form of:
✅Mail and password from PSN.
When choosing "Ready account with mail" the mail will be on the Hungarian domain! (freemail.hu)
This will be a new account, there will be no games on it. You will be its first owner
✅ If you selected "Account on your data (your email and password)" After the purchase, you need to write the data to create an account, your email, which is not linked to any PSN account!. and most importantly, the email domain should not be .ru. and a password. The data must be written in "CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE SELLER" ✅The 16-digit code that you will receive after the purchase must be written in "CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE SELLER"