02.01.2024 1:43:57
Thank you! Awesome seller and product
30.12.2023 13:06:14
After the email has been changed, you can get your account back
28.12.2023 23:04:22
Просто супер! Спасибо за поддержку, аккаунт отвалился, вопрос урегулировали!
28.12.2023 19:01:27
The seller honestly sent the account. Pure VPN worked for six months, problems began in the summer of 2023, but through another free VPN service, Pure VPN somehow worked until December 2023. Now, without enabling another VPN service in advance before Pure VpN, Pure VpN cannot log into the account, and through another VPN Pure VpN logs into the account but does not connect to own servers.
26.12.2023 13:32:54