Before buying, read the description of the product, and also read the rules: payment, receipt and solution of problems related to the product FORZA HORIZON 4 ULTIMATE⭐️ After paying for the goods, you will receive a login + password from the seller´s account.
⭐️ The profile is sold publicly. Some multiplayer add-ons may not work.
⭐️ You acquire access to the seller´s account, not a full-fledged account (DATA CANNOT BE CHANGED)
⭐️ In addition to you, other buyers use the account, as a result of which departures from the game are possible (claims in this regard are not accepted)
⭐️ The account is designed to play on the XBOX ONE console
⭐️ It is forbidden to use the account for non-gaming purposes
⭐️ All items were purchased from the Microsoft Store. You will not have any problems using your Account.
⭐️ We will solve any problem with your purchase within 48/72 hours!
⭐️ By purchasing an Account, you automatically agree with the information and rules described in the instructions.✅ The account will not be restored or hacked, which guarantees you a smooth game;
✅ You buy a licensed account;
✅ You are guaranteed constant support;
✅ The cost of access is several times cheaper;
✅ You have access to all kinds of game add-ons
✅ Regular content update ⭕ It is strictly forbidden to change the data from the account provided to you;
⭕ The account is designed to play on one device;
⭕ The product cannot be exchanged and returned
⭕ It is possible to periodically change the password for the account, check with the seller for all the relevant information Support (from 9:00 to 22:00 Moscow time):
Telegram: @jollyrojersell