⭐️ FORTNITE Crew. To activate, you will need to provide login information to your Microsoft account (xbox)
https://login.live.com (mail and password).
By purchasing this subscription from us, you will be able to receive 🔥VBAX, Unique Items and Battle Pass every month.🔥
What´s included in the FORTNITE Crew subscription:
✅ Current Season Battle Pass
✅ Crew Pack exclusive to Fortnite Crew
✅ 1000 V-bucks every month!
🔷 What to do if you don´t have an XBOX account?
Don´t worry, you can easily create an XBOX account and link it to your EPIC GAME account, if you don´t know how to do it, you can easily contact the seller and they will give you full instructions on how to do it, as well as help with any other questions .
🚸 Why do you need my XBOX account?
FORTNITE sets we will buy in the official fortnite store, through other regions.
➖ Make sure you are providing data from the Microsoft account that is directly linked to your Epic Games account. In cases where you provided an account from another account, and we made a purchase, the funds spent are not refundable❗
➖ Not suitable for Nintendo❗
➖ Microsoft account must be 18+❗
The seller guarantees the safety of both your accounts and the quality of the goods sold.
All products are purchased legally through the official Microsoft Store
🛒 Order execution time during working hours is from 15 minutes to 2 hours
🤝 Work schedule from 8 am to 11 pm Moscow time.